Monday, April 13, 2009

Dear Abby...

As part of its "Gadgetwise" blog, the New York Times online now has a new advice columnist by the name of Paul Boutin (Is it just me or does this guy look like a jewish Bono?) A graduate of MIT, Boutin is now spewing advice on all matters related to social networking:

Got a question about social networking? E-mail me at, or contact me via Facebook or Twitter. I’ll answer technical questions ("Can I use Twitter on my Nokia?”) and social issues (”How do I deal with a divorce on Facebook?”) The thornier, the better. All names and other personal details will be kept confidential.

Despite my anti-Facebook sentiment this guy seems to be giving some pretty good advice. The first question he received asked how to "silence" noisy Facebook friends so you don't have to bear witness to their incessant updates on daily tedium. In a very clear and step-by-step fashion, Boutin suggested several options for "quieting" these people without having to unfriend them.

In an age where tech advice columnists are replacing the likes of etiquette (Ann Landers) and sex (Dan Savage) advice columnists, I'm sure we'll soon begin to see more questions like this appear in the local paper and I'm glad there is someone equipped to answer.

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