Wednesday, February 11, 2009

MySpace Beatdown

This is getting ugly. In the war to see who controls the moldable minds of today's youth, Facebook appears to be the victor. And to him should go the spoils. In an interview today with The Sydney Morning Herald, MySpace's co-founder, Brett Brewer, "tapped out" and conceded that Facebook is the true UFC (ultimate friending champion).

More interestingly is Brewer's reasoning behind the smackdown:

"There's a fundamental shift going on. Both sites are … different. We built MySpace for people to find and connect with people they don't know. Facebook is … built around connecting with people you already know. Clearly, the world eagerly embraced MySpace, but as the average person has adopted social networks, where they come to first is making connections with the people they already know."

If what he says is true, it's fasinating to me that people are so desperate to cling to what they already know, even in an anonymous setting. I'm no different. I hate change. But I think the fact that Facebook beat out MySpace because of this says a lot about society and it's unwillingness to depart from their comfort zone.

However, I'm not about to trust this guy's concession completely. The Herald also mentions that Brewer left the company to set up an online ad network that deals with BOTH companies. Looks like Mr. Brewer may be playing for the other team now.


  1. anna, this note's for you!

  2. I am starting to get scared of facebook re: its need to "own" my stuff that is posted...maybe myspace is better (if I had to choose)...
