Monday, February 9, 2009

Chain Letter 2.0

Okay so as two of my fellow classmates were kind enough to point out and as I'm sure most of you have already heard, the Facebook fad of the week is the "25 Random Things You Didn't Know About Me" list. The “25’’ instructions ask those who have been tagged to “write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you’’ that can be viewed by any of your Facebook friends. Then you must “tag’’ 25 others with the same request.

So far an estimated 5 million of these notes have been created— that's 125 million facts- approximating about 800,000 hours of work!

Come on people! There are better, more productive ways to spend your time. I'll be the first to admit how fun talking about yourself is. Hell, I've been know to fill out a few of those e-mail surveys myself. But does anyone really care that I occasionally enjoy dipping my pizza in blue cheese (a by-product of going to school in upstate NY) or that my favorite pastime is shopping at TJMaxx or that I used to scare my little sister by telling her that she'd end up marrying Willow? The obvious answer is NO.

Therefore I've decided to craft my own little list entitled:


1) 25 reasons that Octomom should have her kids taken away
2) 25 things I could do to apologize to my sister for torturing her all those years (re: Willow)
3) 25 things I would do to the jackasses that graffiti all over my building
4) 25 tattoos I would get if I was ever tacky enough to get a tattoo (no offense to readers with tattoos- just not my personal thing)
5) 25 ways to make more money
6) 25 friends I could invite to an Oscar party
7) 25 reasons why social networking sucks
8) 25 future goals
9) 25 reasons I'm lucky
10) 25 people I could help
11) 25 influences in my life
12) 25 things I could do to be a better citizen
13) 25 things I could do to help clean-up my neighborhood
14) 25 things I could do to spend more time with my parents
15) 25 reasons why Suri Cruise is an alien princess
16) 25 classic movies I need to see
17) 25 reasons why Verizon Wireless is an evil monopoly
18) 25 things I can't wait to do this summer
19) 25 places I'd want to go on a honeymoon
20) 25 of the first items I'd get if I was ever on Supermarket Sweep
21) 25 things I would grab if there was a fire in my building and I needed to evacuate
22) 25 things I would do for a $1 million
23) 25 things I would do if I had $1 million
24) 25 names for my future French bulldog (although I'm leaning towards "Beef")
25) 25 reasons why this list is probably no better or more important than the one on Facebook

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I saw another interesting article about this, too. I'd refer you to my Facebook page to view the link, but, well, um, you know...

    Here it is:

    PS - Love your header image thing. Did you make it?
