Thursday, February 5, 2009

Howard Stern Facebook Rampage

"I already hate it. I hate Facebook so much." - Howard Stern

This week on the Howard Stern Show, Howard revealed to his audience that wife Beth O. had created a Facebook account for him over the weekend. In true Howard fashion, he decided immediately that he hated it especially after discovering that much of his staff was using the social networking site at work. To drive his point home, he pulled up the Facebook page of Howard TV employee Mike Gange and proceeded to critique all of Mike's update messages which ranged from "Mike is happy" to "Mike is going to see 'Taken'." Howard made an excellent point- who cares?

In past discussions, Howard commented that anyone over the age of 15 shouldn't be on Facebook or any other social networking site: "People want to share themselves with the world. Everyone's so interesting- get a job! If you're on Facebook and you don't work, then shame on you. If you have time for Facebook than you have time to work." Click here for more of Howard's rant:


  1. Nice kick off to the blog, Anna--and great timing for this topic. Your survey question technique could use some work, however--what about the option of "I'm not it, but don't really use it that much" or some such? It seems it either has to be "addicted" or "hate it".

  2. I'm with Shawn. Nice touch with Howard here, but for the poll I want to click the "I'm a user, not an abuser" choice.

    (We're off...)
